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Evans Denbury Test 382 BOPD on Flank of Frances Creek

Southeastern Oil Review

Jan 20, 1992

S. Lavon Evans, Jr, Inc., Laurel, Miss., and Denbury Management, Inc., Dallas, Texas, have recorded good production rate and continue to evaluate a well on northeast flank of Frances Creek Field in Clarke County, southeast Miss.

The. No. 3 Tucker 3-8, SE NE Section 3-2N-16E, pumped 382 barrels oil and 10 barrels water per day. Production is from pay in Paluxy through perforations 7215-25 feet. A total of 16 feet gross pay and 11 net pay was logged in the P-24 Sand -- the producing zone -- topped at 7215 feet. In addition, 14 feet gross and 12 feet net were logged in lower Tuscaloosa, 14 feet net in Washita Fredericksburg 54, 10 feet Net in the P–4 sand and 14 feet gross and 10 feet net in P–8 sand.

Drilled to 7416 feet, string of 5 1/2 inch casing was run to bottom for completion.

Elevation is 394 feet, Derrick floor. Top of Midway was logged at 2254 feet, chalk 2719, Eutaw 3884, lower Tuscaloosa 5274, lower Tuscaloosa oil sand 5300 ( 14’ gross, 12’ net), Washita-Fredericksburg 5654, W-F 54 sand 6244 (14’ net), Paluxy 6866, Madge 6895, P-4 6920 (10’ gross, 10’ net), P-8 Sand 6980 (14’ gross, 10’ net) and P-24 Sand 7215 (16’ gross, 11’ net) feet.

Evans and Denbury, meantime, have selected site for another Paluxy test in Frances Creek Field it is the no. 2 Tony Ayres 5–3 NE NW Section 3-2N-16E.

Par-Co Drilling Co., Natchez, Miss., holds contract for the test which carries a projected depth of 7400 feet.
Ducted tests at No. 1 state lease 701. Tract 75. The well was perforated opposite pay in Norphlet between 21,630 and 21,734 feet.

Total depth is 21,842 feet inside tract hole combination string of ——- Production was run 15,588–21,842 feet and 7’ x 7’ tie back liner was Run 15,560 to surface.

Mobil temporarily abandon the discovery pending installing of a pipeline outlet.

Site of the discovery is some 27 1/3 miles south of Mobile and 4 miles west of Norphlet gas production in lower Mobile Bay Field

Four miles east of the discovery, Mobil drilled No. 2 state lease 347, tract 76, in lower Mobile Bay Field. It was completed flowing 4,955,000 cubic feet of gas and 144 barrels water per day through a 36/64-inch choke with flowing tubing pressure 1402 pounds. Production is from pay in Norphlet through perforations 20,950–970 feet.

Drilled to a depth of 20,981 feet, 5 1/2 inch liner was run to 20,977 feet for completion.

During August of last year Dash the last month for which figures are available Dash Glover mobile Bayfield produced 2,823,107,000 cubic feet of gas from five wells bringing cumulative production for the field to 59,811,788,000 cubic feet.


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